Contract Carriage Permit Conditions: Everything You Need to Know

If you’re in the business of providing contract carriage services, then you know that obtaining the necessary permit is a crucial step in ensuring the smooth operation of your business. However, getting the permit is just the beginning of the process. You also need to comply with the stipulated conditions to avoid any legal issues.

In this article, we’ll go over everything you need to know about contract carriage permit conditions.

What is a Contract Carriage Permit?

A contract carriage permit is a license granted by the Regional Transport Office (RTO) that allows the transportation of goods or passengers from one point to another as per the terms and conditions of a contract. It is a more specialized type of permit compared to a regular permit, which is issued for general transportation purposes.

Types of Contract Carriage Permits

There are two types of contract carriage permits available in India: goods carriage permit and passenger carriage permit.

Goods Carriage Permit: This permit allows the transportation of goods on a contract basis. The permit holder can only transport goods as per the terms and conditions of the contract and not for any other purpose.

Passenger Carriage Permit: This permit allows the transportation of passengers on a contract basis. The permit holder can only transport passengers as per the terms and conditions of the contract and cannot carry any other passengers for hire.

Contract Carriage Permit Conditions

To ensure the safety and reliability of the transportation services, there are several conditions that the permit holder must adhere to. These conditions include:

1. The contract carriage permit holder cannot deviate from the contract terms and conditions. They cannot carry any passengers or goods that are not mentioned in the contract.

2. The permit holder must ensure that the vehicle used for transportation is in good condition and meets all safety standards.

3. The permit holder must ensure that the driver of the vehicle has a valid driving license and is medically fit to drive.

4. The permit holder must comply with all the rules and regulations stipulated by the RTO.

5. The permit holder must carry all necessary documents, including the contract terms and conditions, permit, insurance certificate, and fitness certificate.

6. The permit holder must ensure that the vehicle is not overloaded and that the weight of the goods or passengers does not exceed the capacity of the vehicle.

7. The permit holder must ensure that the vehicle’s speed limit does not exceed the limit specified by the RTO.

Penalties for Violating Contract Carriage Permit Conditions

If the permit holder does not comply with the conditions stated in the contract carriage permit, they can face penalties and legal consequences. The penalties can include fines, suspension or cancellation of the permit, and legal action.


Obtaining a contract carriage permit is just the first step in running a successful transportation business. Ensuring that you comply with all the conditions stipulated in the permit is crucial to avoid any legal or financial issues. Follow the guidelines mentioned above to operate your transportation business smoothly and successfully.