Penn State Intellectual Property Agreement: Everything You Need to Know

If you`re a faculty or staff member, researcher or student at Penn State, it`s important to understand the university`s Intellectual Property agreement. This agreement spells out the ownership, management, and protection of intellectual property developed at the university.

Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind such as inventions, literary and artistic works, symbols, images, and designs used in commerce. At Penn State, IP can take the form of scientific discoveries, software, research publications, and more.

The university`s IP agreement sets forth the policies and procedures for ownership and management of IP created by faculty, staff or students in connection with their academic or administrative duties at the university. It applies to all forms of IP, whether they are patentable or not, and whether they are created at the university or with the use of university resources or funding.

Here are some key points to understand about Penn State`s IP agreement:

1. Ownership of IP: The university asserts ownership of all intellectual property developed by faculty, staff, or students in the course of their university employment or that uses university resources. This includes but is not limited to facilities, equipment, materials, or funds administered by the university.

2. Creator`s rights: The creator of the IP retains the right to be acknowledged as the inventor or author of the work. If the university retains ownership, the creator will receive a share of any revenue generated from the IP.

3. Disclosure: Anyone who creates or discovers IP should submit a disclosure to the Office of Technology Management (OTM) within 30 days of its creation. This ensures that the university can properly manage and protect the IP and assess its commercial potential.

4. Commercialization: The university may pursue the commercialization of the IP through licensing, patents or other means. Any revenue generated from the commercialization of IP is shared between the creator(s) and the university according to the IP agreement.

5. Restrictions: The IP agreement may restrict the creator`s ability to publish or share their work for a certain period of time, or to use the IP for personal gain. This is to protect the commercial potential of the IP and ensure that the university`s interest is properly protected.

Understanding the Penn State IP agreement is crucial in protecting the university`s investments and ensuring that innovation and creativity are fostered within the institution. It is also important for individuals to be aware of their rights and responsibilities regarding their creations.

If you have any questions regarding the Penn State IP agreement or your intellectual property at the university, please contact the Office of Technology Management.